Da´a chhelejnhilhalle bene lhawe yell Zoolaga

Da´a chhelejnhilhalle bene lhawe yell Zoolaga
Lhawe yell Zoolaga zjede toka da´a chhelejnhilhashe bene nha da ne zjempan che xozxtawchho nha lenh len chheyompiachho yell chia ka to yell walhall.
Kate bi chhelnabe
Kate bene bi chhelnabe nha chhelue da chhelue che yelllhio wench chhak dan chhelenhenhe lhawe ka belon xozxtawchho, bene chhonhe danhi nhak to benexho nyejnhí, ga chhjakteze chheluen nhak ga nhak lay, tozks kan chhelonhe kate chheluen che yo´o da dsha nhak bixh chhelnabe nha chhjake chhelue: nhis dua, warrient, yez, xhua lenh zwia nyet, yetxtil, llit nha to dilla nhak lay, kate chhjake chhak chhelnabe yelnhite wen, chhjelnabe yelnhita bichie, chhjelnabe yelha yij, nha chhjelnabe gak bi llin zjenhonhe nha kon bitetez bi chhelenhenhe. To to dan chhjelnabe shi yelonhen shla dedl nha chhozej lanh yelampan, yeshla zejlhalle yelagot, shla chhal zejlhallen yij, nha shla shilh zejlhallen dala´a, yo´o ga chhjake nhak lo ya´a blligo, ya´a che xanchho nha ga shlha nhis.

Kate chhoshe bene yolhawe
Kate chhelyellag bene yell chholyonheshje barh nhakin lez to da za kanhite wench gak yelnhita bene yolhawe kob wenh, bene chhotobe bene yell nhak bene yolhawe shue ka to respeth che yell. Nha chhjak bene yolhawe, bene yell, bene wekuell nha chhelaxhe benexo nha yogolho bene lhawe yell chhelenhenhe shjake.
Shaka bio chop chhelonhe to rsar lo´o yodao wench bene yolhawe yelhlla yelak chie wen nha lezka chhjelue santh bene shnhabie yell lo yolhawe nha chholkane le tyel la´a chhelnhe shaka tzue nha chhonlaye nha chhonhe da wen che yolhawe.
Lla yobl chjelyexhie le´e nha lezka chhjake lo´o ya´a blligo chhjelue bi chhjelue wench yelnabe da wen che yell nha che bene yolhawe kob nha chhelchie to benexo nyejnhi nha bene nezenhe che danhí chhelue xhua, zwia, yetxtil, yej nha zerh. Kate chheyosh nha chhelonhe to miz lo´o yodao nha chhjak yogolho bene zjenhita yolhawe.

Kate chhala lnhi chhelyellag toka bene che yogolho yell zito chhedgak nha chheyompiachho gak zjenyejnhi to to yell nha bi ne zjempan che to ton kanho weya, da chholkuelle, wesha, nha wzon, chhedgak bene chhelda padiox chheldie to to yo´o lhawe ka belonh xozxtawchho lhawe yelliga kate chhala to lnhi che yell.
Bene Yoxhob, bene Yellwa chheldie to to yo´o nha bene chhelue le´e yetxtil, yet lezka nhitaks bene chhelgue le´e chhelawe yet la´a  chhelnhe zakachh nho we le´e yet lhawe nhakin che santh bena chhala lha.

Lnhi che bene wat
Kate chhala lnhi che bene wat chhelaklhen benebyo, nhol, nha bidao, to xman ants za gala lnhi benebyo chhelzolhawe chholue nha chholyonhita shawe yij che chhua ba´a la´a chhelnhe shi nho chhokua shawe yij kate chhala lnhi nha chhak chhelyechhoj bene wat chhjelyene bene lueshje, chholue kate bene yolhawe ko chhotobe bene yell, nha nholha chhelne bi xshin lhaze chhelyashje wench yelonhe bi yelawaw nha chholzuen yish wench bidao chhjakbo chhjelxibon.
Lnhinhiga tzolhawin lla shnheje chhua bo shnhej lla shichhua zezil benebyo chhjake lhawe chie chhjelyexhia yetj nha nho da zixh kanho wi, mispr, lezka ants chhelaze yej yichj jia nha yej kua, chholchoguen nha kate chhelyellinhe lenh bidao chhelon shawe ganh zua bat. Danhi ne chhelejnhilhalle bene lhawe yell Zoolaga.

Kate chhat to bene
Lhawe yell kate chhat to bene nha chholyogasjele lenh nhis zag, chhelyechize xhe kob, nha chholyoshague nhe chholyogoxe le´e nhate zin nha nhate yechh nhachh chholyo xue le´e lo´o blag nha chhelaxhe bene chhon rzar wench chhonhe to rzar chie shaka bene lueshje chholzinhie.
LLen chhonhe rzar chie, chhata to lhatj kuech bene wekuell yolkuelle to kate yelgue le´e yin, kate za´a shjelkashe le´e lo yin chie chhelyegue yet, yo bega kuide, to xhiga, shin xhua shish, shnhej zwia nha shnhej mechh lhaz chholyogue le´e xhe, chhelzie to lhapa kob chie shi nhake benebyo nha shi nhake nhol chhelyegue sab kob yichje, xhelhe kob, chholshe yej, zerh nha ya´al. Chhjaksha bene zanh kate chhgashe, chhelue le yodao nha chhelonhe rzar chie chhelyeyon laye le´e nhachh zeje kapsant, nha chhjelchene ganh shue, chhelon layen nha chhelgue le´e nha chhelejnhilhashenhe shi kate sho yin chie shal la´a ba golakz gathe shan shi kanh shon la´a bit na´a gala gathe. Shaka chhjake chhjelkashe le´e chhelgan bene yo´o chholyolue lenh laga zio.


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